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CFI Super Fluor Series

Objective lenses with superior UV transmission and unsurpassed chromatic correction.

CFI Super Fluor Series objective lenses provide the highest level of ultra-violet transmission, exceptionally high N.A.s, and terrific chromatic correction. Thanks to outstanding transmission below 340nm, Super Fluor objectives are the ideal choice for fluorochromes like indo-1, fura-2, and fluo-3. These objectives also have improved signal-to-noise (S/N) for short wavelengths, (due to low auto-fluorescence materials,) and have high N.A.s, making the fluorescence images they produce significantly sharper and brighter. They are also a great choice for photo-activation of caged compounds.

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Cover glass thicknessCorrection ringObservation
CFI Super Fluor 4XDiagramGraph0.2015.50


BF, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI Super Fluor 10XDiagramGraph0.501.100.17BF, DF (Dry/Oil), DIC, POL*, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI Super Fluor 20XDiagramGraph0.751.000.17BF, DF (Dry/Oil), DIC, POL*, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI Super Fluor 40XCDiagramGraph0.900.30 (0.34-0.26)0.11-0.23BF, DF (Oil), DIC, POL*, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI Super Fluor 40X OilDiagramGraph1.300.190.17BF, DIC, PH**, POL*, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI Super Fluor 100XS OilDiagramGraph0.50-1.300.200.17BF, DF (Dry/Oil), POL*, FL (visible light, UV)

BF: Brightfield
DF: Darkfield
PH: Phase contrast
POL: Simple polarizing
FL: Fluorescence

*Possible but not recommended

**External phase contrast observation is possible with ECLIPSE Ti2-E