Plan du site
Produits de microscope
- Silicone Immersion Series
- Série CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D
- Série Super-Résolution
- Série CFI Apochromat TIRF
- Objectifs pour l'imagerie de spécimens clarifiés
- Série CFI75
- Série CFI60
- Série d’objectifs Lambda S
- Série CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda
- Série CFI Plan Apochromat VC
- Série CFI Plan Fluor pour contraste de phase
- Série CFI Plan Fluor
- Série S Plan Fluor ELWD
- Série S Plan Fluor LWD
- Série CFI Super Fluor
- Objectifs de contraste de modulation avancés Nikon
- Objectif pour l'IMSI
- Série CFI Plan Achromat pour contraste de phase
- Série CFI Plan Achromat
- Série CFI E Plan Achromat
- CFI BE2 Plan Achromat Series
- Série CFI Achromat pour contraste de phase apodisé
- Série CFI Achromat pour contraste de phase
- Série CFI Achromat
- Série CFI Plan Apochromat (sans couvercle)
- Série de coloration par dispersion
- Comparison of immersion objective types
Nikon BioImaging Centers
- Nikon Imaging Centers & Centers of Excellence
- Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
- NOLIMITS Unitech
- University of Basel - Department of Biomedicine (DBM)
- Aix-Marseille University
- University of Southern Denmark
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
- Osaka University/Nikon Imaging Center
- KU Leuven
- Center for Advanced Microscopy at UTHealth
- UT Austin
- University of Michigan
- UC San Diego
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Princeton University
- Vanderbilt University
- Florida Atlantic University
- King's College London
- King’s College London
- Hokkaido University
- Karolinska Institute
- University of Heidelberg
- Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
- Leibniz Institute of Virology - Hamburg
- Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Center for Gastrointestinal Biology of UFMG - Brazil
- National University of Rosario, Argentina
- Institut Curie
- The University of Puerto Rico
- Northwestern University
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
- KAIST: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- University of Minnesota
- The Scripps Research Institute
- Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Vivantes Department of Pathology
- Nikon BioImaging Labs
- Boston, USA
- Applications
- 2D Imaging
- 3D Imaging
- Whole Slide Scanning
- 2D or 3D Toxicology, Uptake, and Viability Studies
- mRNA Quantification (smFISH) for Gene Expression Analysis
- Organ-on-chip Applications
- Custom Image Processing and Analysis
- Research Services
- Expertise
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Resources
- Services
- Applications & Technology
- FAQs
- Application Notes
- Europe
- Applications
- 2D Imaging
- 3D Imaging
- Whole Slide Scanning
- 2D or 3D Toxicology, Uptake, and Viability Studies
- mRNA Quantification (smFISH) for Gene Expression Analysis
- Organ-on-chip Applications
- Custom Image Processing and Analysis
- Transendothelial Migration
- Histological Image Segmentation
- Research Services
- Expertise
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Resources
- News & Events
- Shonan Health Innovation Park
- Services
- Applications & Technology
- FAQs
- Application Notes
- Nikon BioImaging Lab contributes to “mini-gut” research
- Nikon Showrooms
- Live-imaging of Mitochondrial System in Cultured Astrocytes
- Cortical Actin Flow in T Cells Quantified by Spatio-temporal Image Correlation Spectroscopy of Structured Illumination Microscopy Data
- Live Cell Imaging of Alphaherpes Virus Anterograde Transport and Spread
- Monitoring Changes in the Intracellular Calcium Concentration and Synaptic Efficacy in the Mollusc Aplysia
- In vitro Mesothelial Clearance Assay that Models the Early Steps of Ovarian Cancer Metastasis
- Imaging Dendritic Spines of Rat Primary Hippocampal Neurons using Structured Illumination Microscopy
- Evaluation of Cancer Stem Cell Migration Using Compartmentalizing Microfluidic Devices and Live Cell Imaging
- Video Bioinformatics Analysis of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Colony Growth
- Measuring Spatial and Temporal Ca2+ Signals in Arabidopsis Plants
- An Ex Vivo Laser-induced Spinal Cord Injury Model to Assess Mechanisms of Axonal Degeneration in Real-time
Entretiens avec les chercheurs
- Associate Prof. Dr. Klazina Kooiman and Dr. Ines Beekers
- Dr. Yohei Yamauchi
- Assistant Prof. Joseph Michael Hyser & Dr. Alexandra Leigh Chang-Graham
- Assistant Prof. Klazina Kooiman & Inés Beekers
- Prof. Wendy Bickmore
- Dr. Steven Nedellec and Dr. Tiphaine Douanne
- Dr. Steve Thomas
- Dr. Tadahiro Iimura
- Melike Lakadamyali, Ph.D.
- Simon C. Watkins, Ph.D.
- Ronald D. Vale, Ph.D.
- Tomomi Nemoto, Ph.D. and Ryosuke Kawakami, Ph.D.
- Tamas Freund, Ph.D. and Istvan Katona, Ph.D.
- Maddy Parsons, Ph.D.
- Alberto Diaspro, Ph.D.
- Paul Ronald Selvin, Ph.D.
- Bo Huang, Ph.D.
- Atsushi Miyawaki, M.D., Ph.D.
- Ikuo Wada, Ph.D.
- Romain Le Bars, Ph.D.
- Prof. Staffan Strömblad, Ph.D.
- Dr. Arne Seitz, Dr. Romain Guiet and Thierry Laroche
- Dr. Jacopo Lucci
- Masato Nakagawa
- Prof. Heinz Beck, Ph.D.