Dr. Arne Seitz, Dr. Romain Guiet and Thierry Laroche

The Faculty of Life Science (SV) at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Laussane (EPFL), Switzerland, has a long record of excellence in research applied to life sciences
Équipement Nikon
- N-SIM Super-Resolution
- N-STORM Super-Resolution
- Eclipse Ti-E Inverted Microscope (see current model)
Faculty of Life Science (SV) at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Laussane
The Faculty of Life Science (SV) at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Laussane (EPFL), Switzerland, has a long record of excellence in research applied to life sciences. At the Bioimaging & Optics Platform (BIOP) state-of-the-art technology and world class expertise in imaging and image processing had been gathered in the previous years.
A brief summary of research
Dr. Arne Seitz, head of this imaging platform, together with Dr. Romain Guiet and Thierry Laroche, provide BIOP users with daily support and training on the N-SIM and N-STORM Nikon systems, enabling researchers to obtain the best resolution possible for their applications. Recently, these joint efforts were fruitful and resulted in the publication of two elegant research articles using Nikon’s high-end super-resolution imaging solutions, of which the BIOP team members are contributing authors. These include an impressive correlative study on molecular mapping using N-SIM and N-STORM (Hamel et al., 2014), and a recent publication investigating the role of Formin-nucleated actin in yeast fission by N-SIM (Dudin et al., 2015). The performance of Nikon instruments at BIOP-EPFL shows the capabilities of Nikon instruments to unravel the concealed secrets of life.