Entretiens avec les chercheurs


Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel

Pascal Lorentz
Dr. Michael Abanto

Director of the Nikon Center of Excellence
Head of the Microscopy Core Facility

Research Outline: Immunology and infectious diseases, neurosciences, cancer biology, and tissue development and regeneration.

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Dr. Kevin Richetin

Our Nikon Microscopy Ambassador Dr. Kevin Richetin is a neuroscience researcher studying Alzheimer’s disease and the development of tools for neurodegenerative diseases. In this interview video, Dr. Richetin discusses how they chose the Nikon microscope because its software NIS-Elements allows seamless integration of analysis and automation. He emphasizes that this unique capability is incredibly valuable for tracking particles with extremely high resolution over extended periods, a feature that sets Nikon apart.

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A step up in digital pathology using innovative digital microscopy.

Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital
Director, Department of Pathology
Dr. Ichiro Maeda

Currently there are various treatment methods under development that could provide optimal medical care in response to the pathological attributes of each patient. Therefore, the role required of pathological diagnosis, which is indispensable for the planning of treatment policies and strategies, is becoming more important than ever before. However, the shortage of trained pathologists who assume this role is a common issue, not only in Japan, but also worldwide. To solve this problem, digital pathology has been attracting attention. In this article, we asked Dr. Ichiro Maeda, Director of the Department of Pathology, Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital, for his impressions of using the digital image display optical microscope "ECLIPSE Ui".

*Dr. Maeda has provided feedback to Nikon on this microscope’s features and clinical usefulness based on his own personal experience.

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Matthew Kofron, Ph.D.
Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics

Alicia Ostmann
Cincinnati Cystic Fibrosis Theratyping Research Center

Kentaro Iwasawa, M.D.
Takebe Lab, Division of Gastroenterology

Research Outline: Child health improvement. Organoid creation. Drug efficacy for cystic fibrosis patients.

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Équipement Nikon


European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)

Professor Friedmann Kiefer, Ph.D.

Department of Intravital Molecular Imaging

Research Outline: Elucidation of how molecular mechanisms shape human cells and tissues biologically. Multiscale imaging.

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National Institutes of Natural Sciences, National Institute for Physiological Sciences

Tetsuhisa Otani, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Division of Cell Structure

Research Outline: Epithelial tissue.

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Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Professor Won Do Heo, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Sciences

Research Outline: Optogenetic and bio-imaging technologies.

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Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing, China

Dr. Hu Zhao, Principal Investigator

Research Outline: New tissue clearing methods, and building a neural connectome mapping platform based on these methods.

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“I believe this can change conventional imaging for pathologists”

Takeshi Sasaki
Professor, Project Leader, M.D. Ph.D
The University of Tokyo Hospital
Dept. of Next-Generation Pathology Information Networking

In medicine, pathologists play an extremely important role in confirming observation. They are often making observations with a microscope for long periods of time and the physical and mental burden of this is heavy. Aiming to reduce such stress issues for pathologists, Nikon has developed a new microscope for pathological examination, the ECLIPSE Ui, which allows pathologists to view high-resolution images of specimens on a monitor, rather than looking through eyepieces. Here, Dr. Takeshi Sasaki of the University of Tokyo Hospital, who has evaluated this microscope, talks about his impressions of it.

*Dr. Sasaki has provided feedback to Nikon on this microscope’s features and clinical usefulness based on his own personal experience.

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Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD) at Osaka University

Hiroaki Miki, Professor
Yosuke Funato, Associate Professor
Osamu Hashizume, Assistant Professor

Division of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Department of Cellular Regulation

Research Outline: Analyzing the function of a membrane protein molecule called Cyclin M, which plays a role in ejecting magnesium ions from cells.

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Équipement Nikon

Soutenir les études en classe avec l'ECLIPSE Ei

"Il est facile d'enseigner aux étudiants comment l'utiliser, et ils le trouvent également simple à utiliser"

L'observation à l'aide de microscopes joue un rôle extrêmement important dans l'apprentissage des bases de la science. L'ECLIPSE Ei de Nikon a été développé en tant que microscope à usage pédagogique avec le concept d'être un « microscope convivial même pour les étudiants qui l'utilisent pour la première fois ». Nous avons rendu visite à Mme Rika Izumi, professeur de sciences à l’école secondaire de premier et deuxième cycle de Rikkyo Niiza, Saitama, Japon, où l'ECLIPSE Ei est disponible dans les salles de classe, pour en savoir plus sur le contexte et les raisons du choix de ce microscope, l'expérience utilisateur et les réactions des élèves.

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Équipement Nikon

L'ECLIPSE Ci-L plus contribue à des examens cliniques plus confortables.

“Avec la haute performance optique, j'ai réalisé que sa conception réfléchie facilite notre travail quotidien“

Les examens cliniques jouent un rôle important dans les soins médicaux. Nikon a développé un nouveau microscope biologique, l'ECLIPSE Ci-L plus, avec le concept de réduire la fatigue physique et mentale des cliniciens et des techniciens de laboratoire qui utilisent quotidiennement des microscopes. Dans cette entrevue, nous avons parlé au Dr Akira Yoshikawa du Département de pathologie anatomique du Kameda Medical Center - un hôpital phare dans la partie sud de la préfecture de Chiba, au Japon - de ses réflexions après avoir utilisé ce microscope et l'objectif nouvellement développé pour les microscopes 'CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D' pour une utilisation pratique au quotidien.

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Équipement Nikon

Associate Prof. Dr. Klazina Kooiman and Dr. Ines Beekers

Associate Prof. Dr. Klazina Kooiman, Head of Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Group, and Dr. Ines Beekers, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

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Équipement Nikon

Dr. Yohei Yamauchi

Dr. Yohei Yamauchi, Principal Investigator, Cell biologist of viral infections, School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol, UK

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Équipement Nikon

Assistant Prof. Klazina Kooiman & Inés Beekers

Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent Group, Thoraxcenter, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

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Dr. Steven Nedellec and Dr. Tiphaine Douanne

Dr. Steven Nedellec, Facility Manager of MicroPICell, Université de Nantes, France and Dr. Tiphaine Douanne, Universite de Nantes, Signaling in Oncogenesis, Angiogenesis and Permeability, CRCINA INSERM U1232, France

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Équipement Nikon

Dr. Tadahiro Iimura

Division of Bio-Imaging, Proteo-Science Center (PROS), Ehime University
Division of Analytical Bio-Medicine, Advanced Research Support Center (ADRES), Ehime University
Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University

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Équipement Nikon

Ronald D. Vale, Ph.D.

Professor and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
The University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA, USA

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Tamas Freund, Ph.D. and Istvan Katona, Ph.D.

Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IEM HAS)
Budapest, Hungary

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Maddy Parsons, Ph.D.

Group Leader (Royal Society University Research Fellow)
Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics
King’s College London
London, United Kingdom

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Paul Ronald Selvin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Bo Huang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco

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Atsushi Miyawaki, M.D., Ph.D.

Senior Team Leader, Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

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Équipement Nikon

  • AZ-C1 macro confocal microscope system
  • 1x objective lens (AZ-Plan Apo, NA 0.1, W.D. 35 mm)
  • 2x objective lens (AZ-Plan Fluor, NA 0.2, W.D. 45 mm)

Prof. Staffan Strömblad, Ph.D.

Staffan Strömblad Ph.D. is group leader at the prestigious Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, an institution that awards the Physiology Nobel Prize yearly. He is also the head of the Live Cell Imaging Facility (LCI), in which the Nikon Center of Excellence for live cell imaging is integrate.

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Masato Nakagawa

So-called iPS cells are attracting considerable interest as pluripotent stem cells that may open up a whole new world of medicine. The Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) at Kyoto University is pursuing a wide range of research activities that aim to realize regenerative medicine utilizing iPS cells. The Nikon BioStation CT cell culture observation system is being used in this iPS cell research and is contributing to its efficiency.

We were pleased to have had an opportunity to speak with Masato Nakagawa, who is engaged in iPS cell research at CiRA.

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Note: The institutions and job titles listed with each researcher reflect their affiliation at the time of the interview.