Please check with your local Nikon support representative for system compatibility.
There also may be geographical differences in device support.
Nikon Devices & Cameras
Microscopes and Accessories
- ECLIPSE LV150 Series, LV100D, LV100 POL
- All Nikon motorized components (FMA, Episcopic Illuminator, Nosepiece, etc.)
- All Nikon motorized components (Focus, XY Stage, ND Filter Unit, Nosepiece, Condenser, Field Diaphragm, etc.)
- Stereomicroscope SMZ25, SMZ18, SMZ1270i, SMZ1270
- Nikon AZ100/AZ100M
- Illumination: Intensilight E, D-LEDI
- Nikon DUV-B Tunable GaAsP Detector for A1 and C2si-R
- Nikon LU-NV, LU-N4, LU-NF, LUA-S Series, LUD-S Series, LUD-H Series Laser Units
- Nikon Ti-LAPP DMD (digital mirror device)
- Bruker XY Miniscanne
- Nikon AX, AX R, AX R MP, A1 HD25, A1R HD25, A1/A1R, A1R HD MP, A1 MP+, A1R MP+, C2+
- Nikon N-SIM Structured Illumination
- Nikon N-STORM Super-Resolution
- Yokogawa CSU-X1, W1
- CrEST XLight Spinning disk
- ECLIPSE i-Series 90i (Legacy)
- ECLIPSE TE2000E, TE2000E2, TE2000-PFS (Perfect Focus System) (Legacy)
- Digital Imaging Heads (DDH-E (motorized) and D-DH-M) (Legacy)
- Keysight 4 Line Monolithic Laser Module (USA and Europe Only) (Legacy)
Cameras and Controllers
- Digital Sight Cameras: DS1000, DS10, DS50M, DS-Fi3, DS-Ri2, DS-Qi2
- Digital Sight Cameras with Legacy* Support: DS-2Mv, DS-2MBW, DS-2MBWc, DS-2Mv(U2), DS-2MBW, DS-2MBWc, DS-5M (U2), DS-5Mc (U2), DS-Ri1
- Controllers: U3, L4, L3, L2, U2 (Legacy)
Other Cameras & Devices
Some models may not be supported by NIS-Elements. Please contact Nikon for details.
- Photometrics Prime 95B, Evolve, DYNO, Photometrics Cascade
- Lumenera 1-2CB and 1-3C (Legacy)
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Fire, ORCA-Fusion, ORCA-Fusion BT, ORCA-Flash4.0 V3, ImagEM X2 EM-CCD Camera, ImagEM X2-1K EM-CCD Camera
- Andor iXon 888, 897, Sona 2.0B-11, Sona 4.2B-11, Sona 4.2B-6, Zyla 4.2 PLUS, Zyla 5.5, Neo 5.5, Luca, Clara, iKon-M
- Imaging Source Cameras
- PCO Cameras pco.edge 3.1, pco.edge 4.2 & LT & bi, pco.edge 5.5 & DS, pco.edge 26 pco.panda 4.2 & bi, pco.panda 26 & DS, pco.dimax cs
- QImaging Retiga R1 (mono)
- Basler: Basler USB Camera
- Stages
- Prior ProScan II, ProScan III, OptiScan II, OptiScan III, ES10ZE, Z-Deck
- Applied Scientific Instrumentation (ASI) MS-2000
- Ludl MAC 5000 / MAC 6000 Controller
- Märzhäuser: Tango, LSTEP, ECO-STEP
- Scientifica XY Linear Stage
- Filter Wheels
- Prior Filter Wheel System, Shutter, Controller ProScan II, ProScan III, OptiScan II
- Sutter Wheels, Shutters, Controllers: Lambda 10-2, 10-3, 10-B
- Applied Scientific Instrumentation (ASI) FW-2000
- Ludl MAC 5000 / MAC 6000 Controller
- Finger Lake Instrumentation Filter Wheel (USA Only)
- Crest Optics Filter Wheel
- Wavelength Switching/ Excitation System
- Sutter DG 4 / DG 5 (Ultra-High Speed Wavelength Switcher)
- Nikon LUSU (Laser / Shutter Unit)
- Lumencor Spectra, SpectraX, Aura, AuraII, LIDA, Spectra Ⅲ, Celesta, Ziva
- 89North Heliophor
- CoolLED pE-300ultra, pE-340fura, pE-4000
- Shutter Control
- Uniblitz Shutter Controller VCM-D1
- Sutter: Smart Shutter Standalone Controller Lambda SC
- Applied Scientific Instrumentation (ASI) SC-2000
- Ludl MAC 5000/ MAC 6000 Controller
- Z Motors
- Nikon Motorized Z-Focus Accessory (RFA)
- Prior Z-motor, ES10ZE, NIKRFK
- Applied Scientific Instrumentation (ASI) MS-2000
- Physik Instrumente Piezo E-665 (RS232)
- MCL Nanodrive
- Physik Instrumente E-545, 662, 665, 712, 861, 867 piezo controllers
- Camera Emission Splitters
- Optical Insights Dual View, Quad View
- Cairn Research Optosplit II, Optosplit III, Multisplit V2, TwinCam, MultiCam
- Illumination
- High Speed I/O
- National Instruments DAQm series controllers (PCI, PCIe, and PXI formats) e.g. NI6723, 6353, 6221, 6733, 6713, 6711, 6229
- Heating Controllers
- Linkam TP 95, 94, 93, 92
- Incubators
- OKOLab Microscope Incubators
- Tokai Hit Microscope Incubators
- LCI CU-501 Controller (LCI Chamlide)
- Life Imaging Services (LIS) Cube & Brick
Operating Environment
Operating System
- Windows 10 and 11 64-bit Professional(Ar, Br, D, C & F)
*NIS-Elements cannot be installed on Windows XP Operating Systems. Enterprise is not supported or recommended.
*Nikon will provide legacy support for certain cameras and devices. This support is limited and additional development or changes to the drivers is not available.