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Nosepieces for upright and inverted microscopes includes Standard, Differential Interference Contrast, Intelligent, Motorized and Perfect Focus types.

ModelDimensionsWeight (g)*
C-N6 Sextuple Nosepiece ESDDiagram450
C-N6A Sextuple Nosepiece with Analyzer SlotDiagram450
D-ND6 DIC Sextuple NosepieceDiagram1,000
NI-ND6-E Motorized DIC Sextuple NosepieceDiagram1,300
NI-N7-E Motorized Septuple NosepieceDiagram1,300
NI-N7-I Intelligent Septuple NosepieceDiagram1,300
TI2-N-N Sextuple NosepieceDiagram730
TI2-N-ND DIC Sextuple NosepieceDiagram830
TI2-N-ND-I Intelligent DIC Sextuple NosepieceDiagram900
TI2-N-ND-E Motorized DIC Sextuple NosepieceDiagram1,100