Application Notes

Visualization of microglia-neuron junctions with super-resolution and confocal microscopy
July 2020
Microglia are the main immune cells in the brain, and play roles in brain homeostasis and neurological diseases. However, the fundamental mechanisms underlying microglia-neuron communication remain unclear. Dr. Csaba Cserép, Dr. Balázs Pósfai and colleagues, (Laboratory of Neuroimmunology led by Dr. Ádám Dénes, Institute of Experimental Medicine) identified an interaction site between neuronal cell bodies and microglial processes in the mouse brain and studied the function of microglia (C. Cserép and B. Pósfai et al., Science 10.1126/science.aax6752 (2020)). In this Application Note, we introduce how the structure of neuron-microglia junctions was revealed on a nano scale resolution using the confocal and super-resolution microscopes.