Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
The Nikon Centers of Excellence contribute to a dynamic exchange between science and Nikon as a microscope manufacturer. It is dedicated to promoting research and developing new microscopy technologies.
This Nikon Center of Excellence is located within the Core Facility for Advanced Medical BioImaging (AMBIO) at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. It is dedicated to offering the infrastructure and expertise to perform advanced microscopy projects on a wide variety of scales. AMBIO optimizes and applies novel high-resolution live-cell imaging methods for translational biomedical research. The scientific director of AMBIO is Dr. Jan Schmoranzer, a renowned microscopy expert who built and optimized several high- and super-resolution systems. AMBIO has been established within the centrally located“Charité Cross Over Building“ in the heart of Berlin to offer easy access to high-end imaging methods for a wide spectrum of users.

CofE Director
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Charité - UniversitätsmedizinCharitéplatz 1,
10117 Berlin
Systems Available

N-STORM Localization-based Super-resolution Microscope
N-STORM is a super-resolution microscope system that combines “STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy” technology and Nikon's Eclipse Ti research inverted microscope. The N-STORM super-resolution microscope provides dramatically enhanced resolution that is 10 times that of conventional optical microscopes and enables molecular level understanding.

A1R Confocal with ECLIPSE Ti-E Inverted Microscope
Capturing high-quality confocal images at ultrahigh-speed and enhanced sensitivity with a resonant scanner and galvano scanner, Nikon's A1R is a powerful tool for the imaging and visualization of intracellular dynamics and interaction. The system comes equipped with a unique hybrid scan head incorporating both an ultra high-speed resonant scanner and a high-resolution galvano scanner, enabling simultaneous bleaching/ photoactivation and acquisition.

A1R Multiphoton Confocal with ECLIPSE Ni-E Upright Microscope
Nikon’s A1R MP+ multiphoton confocal microscope is a unique multiphoton imaging system featuring a fast, high resolution galvanometer scanner and an ultra-high speed resonant scanner that is capable of frame rates from 30 fps at 512 x 512 pixels to as fast as 420 fps in band scan mode. This is especially important in multiphoton microscopy because of the overlap of emission spectra of probes and autofluorescence, which is often unavoidable when using a single laser line.

Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk Super-Resolution System
Configured with a Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2 inverted microscope, the Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa system includes specialized optics for increasing optical resolution to super-resolution levels, down to 120 nm in XY when combined with deconvolution in Nikon's NIS-Elements imaging software. This ‘SoRa’ mode is available in addition to normal CSU-W1 spinning disk imaging functions.

ECLIPSE Ti-E Inverted Microscope with Yokogawa CSU-X1 Spinning Disk Confocal
The Yokogawa CSU-X1 Spinning Disk Confocal system is an ultra-fast and sensitive confocal microscope system ideal for live imaging.

ECLIPSE TS2-FL Inverted Routine Microscope
Utilizing Nikon's industry-leading CFI60 optical system and LED illumination for both diascopic and epi-fluorescence imaging, the Eclipse TS2 microscope offers brilliantly clear images, enabling more efficient cell culture observation and documentation. Furthermore, a newly developed contrast observation method and streamlined operation enhance its use for routine laboratory work.

ECLIPSE Ti2-E PFS Inverted Microscope System
The ECLIPSE Ti2 delivers an unparalleled 25mm field of view (FOV), allowing you to capture twice as much data with a single image. The fourth generation Perfect Focus System combined with a completely redesigned Z-drive provide a super-stable imaging platform with high-precision focusing for demanding applications. Built-in sensors and intelligent Assist Guide eliminate user error while the internal detector enables you to see the back-aperture for alignments. This system includes a Nikon DS-Ri2 color camera, sCMOS PCO camera, and Spectra X light source.

ECLIPSE Ni-E Upright Microscope with Yokogawa CSU-X1 Spinning Disk Confocal
The Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk field scanning confocal unit, configured with Nikon's ECLIPSE Ni-E upright microscope, delivers high-speed (up to 2000fps) and high resolution images, making it ideal for live cell research. With an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and optimized light-path, the CSU-X1 minimizes photobleaching and phototoxicity making it ideal for imaging delicate samples.