An Inside Look
디지털 현미경 ECLIPSE Ui에 대한 열정적인 접근 방식
니콘의 새로운 디지털 현미경 ECLIPSE Ui. 이 기기를 사용하면 디지털 병리 이미지를 모니터를 통해 실시간으로 관찰할 수 있습니다. 높은 화질, 사용자 편의성, 신속성, 효율성 덕분에 병리 검사 워크플로를 개선할 것이라는 기대가 높습니다. 니콘이 "헬스케어 기업"으로서의 열정과 사명을 결집하여 의료기기의 새로운 카테고리를 개척한 ECLIPSE Ui. 출시에 즈음하여 연구자와 개발자가 도전 과제, 아이디어, 비전에 대해 이야기합니다.
NSPARC를 탑재한 공초점 기반 초고해상도 현미경 AX/AX R. 이 개발은 IIT에서 시작되었습니다.
The origin of NSPARC is in the IIT (Italian Institute of Technology). We interviewed Professor Alberto Diaspro, Dr. Paolo Bianchini, and Dr. Giuseppe Vicidomini, who worked on research and development at the Nikon Imaging Center (NIC@IIT) and the Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy (MMS) Lab in the IIT.
상상을 초월하는 이미지. NSPARC를 탑재한 공초점 기반 초고해상도 현미경 AX/AX R.
Through simple external mounting on the AX/AX R confocal microscope system, NSPARC enables super-high-speed scanning with unprecedented high resolution for observation and acquisition of images, showing even the slightest of changes in living cells that cannot be detected with conventional confocal laser microscopes. Its developers spoke of their ambitious challenge of aiming higher.
Creating the next generation of objective lenses
Digital technologies strongly support the foundations of modern society. Nowadays, digital imaging is indispensable in the field of life sciences. The CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D lens is an objective lens for microscopes that can ideally meet current requirements. Here, the persons in charge of planning and design of this lens talk about the product, which was created with the aim of supporting a wide range of users, from inspection to research and development, within the field of life sciences.
모든 연구원을 만족시키는 전례 없는 고급 AX/AX R 현미경
The AX/AX R confocal microscope system is designed to let anyone customize freely according to their usage. To find out more, we spoke to those in charge of product planning and design about the stories behind how they pursued software operability, as well as hardware performance improvements.
In Search of Higher Performance
Nikon's ECLIPSE Si biological microscope supports current and prospective professionals such as pathologists, medical examiners and laboratory technicians working at medical and research institutions with its comfortable operability that helps them focus on testing. This product was developed to maximize performance at workplaces that support the health of the community. We interviewed the personnel responsible for planning and designing this microscope about their efforts to support users.
Capturing Their Curiosity
The ECLIPSE Ei educational microscope was developed with a goal to “provide an intuitive, easy-to-use microscope for students who have never used a microscope before.” By lowering the learning curve, students can focus on the curiosity-inspiring images seen through the microscope. Members of Nikon’s Marketing, Engineering, and Design departments share their thoughts below on the design and production process of this unique microscope.