Software Resources

NIS-Elements Viewer

NIS-Elements Viewer is a free standalone program to view image files and datasets. It offers the same powerful view and image selection modes as the NIS-Elements core packages: Volume View with 3D Rendering, Tile View for Time, Z and Multipoint datasets, and Slice View for Z and Time datasets. The NIS-Elements Viewer also has the same look and feel as the NIS-Elements core packages. For example, calibrations, and binary layers (thresholded objects) created in the core package also port over to the NIS-Elements Viewer. In addition, image header information and experimental information such as time interval, Z step and device parameters are accessible (Windows version only). Saving ND datasets to TIFF files is also built into the NIS-Elements Viewer.

Download NIS-Elements Viewer User’s Guide (738 KB)

Windows Viewer

Minimum System Requirements

  • CPU Core 2 Duo or higher
  • Windows 10 Pro or later
  • 64 bit only
  • Direct X version 11 or higher


We have temporarily suspended the download of the Viewer for Mac OS X. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Utilizando Deep Learning para eliminar el ruido fotónico de Poisson de imágenes confocales de resonancia

Al usar una red neuronal convolucional que utiliza un marco MXNET codificado con varios miles de ejemplos de datos confocales de resonancia, a los datos de la imagen de entrada se les asigna pesos aprendibles, lo que resulta en el aprendizaje de la red para establecer correlaciones y reconocer patrones: el patrón principal mas común es el ruido fotónico o de Poisson; la red fue entrenada para reconocer y eliminar el ruido fotónico de conjuntos de datos del microscopio confocal A1 de resonancia. Este algoritmo entrenado de Inteligencia Artificial (AI) se puede utilizar incluso en tiempo real para eliminar el ruido.

con Denoise.AI

Proyección de máxima intensidad de imagen confocal de resonancia de Danio sp. preparado por Callen Wallace y Mike Calderon, Centro de Imágenes Biológicas, Universidad de Pittsburgh para el Curso de Microscopía de Fluorescencia Cuantitativa (QFM).

See for yourself…test our deconvolution for free!

NIS-Elements offers advanced 3D and 2D deconvolution modules for improving image quality. Upload your image to our NIS-Elements deconvolution test site to see the difference.

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