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S Plan Fluor LWD Series

Plastic-compatible high-resolution, large-FOV objectives

CFI S Plan Fluor LWD 20XC and CFI S Plan Fluor LWD ADM 20XC objectives for biological microscopes are designed for stem cell applications and drug design. With long working distances*1 and high numerical apertures, these objectives provide bright, high-resolution images through plastic cell-culture dishes.

The CFI S Plan Fluor LWD 20XC is suitable for brightfield, fluorescence and DIC observation, and the CFI S Plan Fluor LWD ADM 20XC can be used for brightfield, fluorescence and phase contrast observation. 

*1 Working distance: The distance from the tip of the objective lens to the observation target when the target is in focus. A long working distance has numerous advantages, such as prevention of contact with the sample when changing objectives.

Download Objectives Brochure (8.73MB)


Cover glass thicknessCorrection ringObservation
CFI S Plan Fluor LWD 20XCDiagramgraph0.701.3-2.30-1.8BF, DF (Dry/Oil), DIC, POL, FL (visible light, UV)
CFI S Plan Fluor LWD ADM 20XCDiagramgraph0.701.3-2.30-1.8BF, DF (Dry/Oil), PH, FL (visible light, UV)

BF: Brightfield
DF: Darkfield
PH: Phase contrast
POL: Simple polarizing
FL: Fluorescence

*Possible but not recommended
**External phase contrast observation is possible with Eclipse Ti2-E

Key Features

Long working distances and high NA

The new objectives provide long working distances of 1.3 mm to 2.3 mm, which are compatible with observations using thick-bottomed plastic dishes and observations of thick observation targets. In addition, the high NA of 0.70 enables rapid acquisition of sharp images even during fluorescence observation, which requires bright images.

25 mm FOV supports wide visual field observation

The new objectives provide 20X observations with an FOV of 25 mm*2 when used together with the ECLIPSE Ti2 Inverted Research Microscope. They allow effective observation of wide areas and rapid acquisition of large amounts of observation data, enabling high cell screening and image stitching*3 throughput.

*2 FOV (field of view: the diameter of the observable image in a microscope)

*3 Image stitching: an image processing method that combines neighboring images to create one large

Fluorescence images of the actin, nuclei and mitochondria of HeLa cells are simultaneously acquired and then overlaid. Acquired with the CFI S Plan Fluor LWD 20XC objective mounted on the Confocal Microscope A1+.

An overall image of HeLa cells (acquired by phase contrast observation) and an image of nuclei and mitochondria (simultaneously acquired by fluorescence observation) are overlaid. Acquired with the CFI S Plan Fluor LWD ADM 20XC objective mounted on the Inverted Research Microscope Ti2-E.