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Image Analysis Software

Image Analysis Software for simple analysis on large number of live cell images

The following application softwares are for the purpose that specific image analysis can be performed simply using Nikon's Image Analysis Software in the field of research and development. As we have developed image analysis algorithms for many years and accumulated know-how, we have started to provide Cell Analysis Modules.



Cell Confluency

In place of visual judgment, the application enables objectively measurement, quantification and record of the adherent cell occupancy ratio (confluency) that is important for determination of the timing of passages and assays.

Download Application Note 669KB

MSC Counting

Counts mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) based on phase-contrast images. Requires no cell staining, enabling non-invasive analysis of cell proliferation conditions.

Download Application Note 703KB

Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) Colony Area Package

The application can measure the following five items on hPSC (human iPS/ES cell).

① Number of colonies
② Individual colony area
③ Mean of colony area
④ Total of colony area
⑤ Confluency (Colony coverage ratio)

Download Application Note 568KB

To meet customer requirements, we can provide additional module customization services. Application examples we have developed are shown below.



iPS cell reprogramming efficiency measurement (phase contrast) Determine the distinction between iPS cell colonies and non-iPS cell colonies based on their shape, morphology, growth rate etc. Measure the reprogramming efficiency by counting the number of true iPSC colonies.
iPS cell colony characterization (phase contrast) Distinguish undifferentiated state of cells inside and around hPSC colony, recognizing iPS cell colony regions.
Colony compactness classification (phase contrast) Distinguish the high density of cells in the hPSC colony based on the image analysis and judge how "mature" the colony is for determining optimal passage timing.
Sequential iPS cell counting (phase contrast) Count cell number on images from single cell to iPSC colony without dissociating cell aggregation and losing cells.
MSC sequential cell size (phase contrast) Identify individual cells and measure their size from phase contrast images which are taken under conventional cell culturing conditions. Individual cell size is an important index of condition and state.
MSC cell morphology measurement (phase contrast) Quantify cell morphological features using morphological parameters such as the cell area, cell roundness, peripheral length and number of cells from non-invasive phase contrast images.
Neuronal Cell/Cluster Count (phase contrast) Measure the neuronal cell and/or cluster numbers in the field without staining.
Neurite length (phase contrast/fluorescence) Measured the total lengths of neurites in the field without staining.