
FDA Approves Nikon Micromanipulating Equipment For Assisted Reproduction Methods Including In-Vitro Fertilization

Okt. 19, 2000

Nikon announces that it has been granted FDA approval to market its instrumentation intended for use in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and related assisted reproduction technology (ART) procedures. These procedures include gamate intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), embryo transfer (ET), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and other assisted fertility techniques.

Nikon Instruments Inc. offers a complete line of assisted reproduction oil hydraulic fine movement micromanipulators, both motorized and manual coarse movement micromanipulators, as well as microinjectors. Gaining FDA pre-market approval is Nikon's latest achievement in the ART field, where it has helped set the highest standards. The first baby born in this country as a result of in-vitro fertilization of a human embryo, and the cloning of Dolly the sheep, were both accomplished on a Nikon microscope system.

Enhancing its range of assisted reproduction components is Nikon's complete line of microscope stage warmers, devices used to maintain a constant temperature of 37 degrees Celsius during manipulation of an egg (oocyte). These stage warmers fit Nikon's TE200/300 research inverted microscope, TS100 routine inverted microscope, and the SMZ1500 and SMZ1000 research stereo microscopes. In addition, both SMZ microscopes feature Oblique Coherent Contrast (OCC) capabilities, an important advantage in micromanipulation as it allows colorless samples to be observed in high relief while rendering three-dimensional appearance.

No other company can boast this unique combination of components in the assisted reproduction field.