Application Notes

The Ti2-I inverted microscope empowers microinsemination with sophisticated optical performance and operability - ICSI/IMSI -
June 2024
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a microinseminationtechnique in which sperm cells are manually injected into egg cells. These oocytes can be visualized with NAMC (Nikon Advanced Modulation Contrast), which allows observation of transparent samples with relief-like contrast. Another technique called intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection (IMSI) requires a high magnification objective lens and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) to select high-quality sperm based on morphology. Thus, the microscope plays a very important role in microinsemination. However, fluidly switching between bright field, NAMC, and DIC (IMSI) with a manual microscope is complicated and gaining proficiency takes time.
In this application note, we introduce the ECLIPSE Ti2-I inverted microscope, which can easily switch between bright field, NAMC and DIC.
Keywords : relief contrast, Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), microinsemination, ICSI, IMSI

The Ti2-I inverted microscope empowers microinsemination with sophisticated optical performance and operability - ICSI/Spindle -
July 2024
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a microinseminationtechnique in which sperm cells are manually injected into egg cells. These oocytes can be visualized with NAMC (Nikon Advanced Modulation Contrast), which allows observation of transparent samples with relief-like contrast. In addition, Nikon‘s spindle observation system displays oocyte meiotic spindles in red or blue, helping to reduce the chance of them being mistaken for other intracellular structures or foreign matter. The spindle is consistently highlighted regardless of XY orientation. Thus, the microscope plays a very important role in microinsemination. However, fluidly switching between bright field, NAMC, and spindle observation with a manual microscope is complicated and gaining proficiency takes time.
In this application note, we introduce the inverted microscope ECLIPSE Ti2-I that can easily switch between bright field, NAMC and spindle observation.
Keywords : relief contrast, polarization, microinsemination,ICSI, spindle