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Institut Curie


Nikon Imaging Center

Institut Curie

The Nikon Imaging Centre at the Curie’s Institut (NIMCE) promotes the improvement and development of bio-imaging technologies and their application to the life sciences.

The NIMCE is to provide to a wide community of scientists throughout France, with the support of Nikon, a large number of up-to-date imaging methodologies to monitor the living cell activity at high spatial and temporal rate, and as a consequence to propose an adequate management of the massive data generated with these approaches.

The NIMCE is an Institut Curie and CNRS core facility for light microscopy developed in partnership with Nikon. The NIMCE is supported by the following corporations, as a corporate partners, Photometrics, Molecular Device and as a corporate contributors Dell, Life Imaging System, TMC and Photonlines by supplying both microscopy equipment and experimental materials.

The mission of the NIMCE is to:

  • To support research while giving the researchers access to most advanced technologies in the field of cellular imaging and the analyse’s and processing’s Imaging Datas.
  • Provide trainning courses, individual instruction, and consulting on advanced light microscopy techniques
  • Stimulate innovation in biological research by providing investigators access to cutting edge microscopy resources with a particular emphasis on developing novel imaging solutions to systems biology challenges
  • Promote cross-discipline collaborations by providing an exciting intellectual commons centered on light microscopy
  • To become a demonstration platform for Nikon’s commercial prospecting.

The NIMCE (NIMCE@IC-CNRS) provides researchers at academic institutions with access to the most advanced technology and optimum conditions for their ground-breaking scientific research. There are currently 10 Nikon Imaging Centers worldwide in total (as of 24 January 2024): Harvard Medical School (NIC@HMS), University of Heidelberg (NIC@HD), Hokkaido University (NIC@HU), Northwestern University (NIC@NU), King's College London (NIC@KCL), Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (NIC@IIT), UC San Diego (NIC@UCSD), and Osaka University (NIC@OU).


NIC Director

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12 rue Lhomond
75248 Paris
Cedex 05


Institut Curie

Systems Available

ECLIPSE Ti2-E Inverted Microscope with AX R Confocal

The AX R point-scanning confocal system includes innovative features powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that dramatically enhance usability for both veteran and novice users. Configured with Nikon's flagship inverted microscope, the ECLIPSE Ti2-E, the AX R system is completely integrated using Nikon's NIS-Elements C imaging software package.

ECLIPSE Ti-E Inverted Microscope with A1R Confocal

Capturing high-quality confocal images at ultrahigh-speed and enhanced sensitivity with a resonant scanner and galvano scanner, Nikon's A1R is a powerful tool for the imaging and visualization of intracellular dynamics and interaction. The system comes equipped with a unique hybrid scan head incorporating both an ultra high-speed resonant scanner and a high-resolution galvano scanner, enabling simultaneous bleaching/ photoactivation and acquisition.

N-STORM Super-Resolution Microscope System

N-STORM is a super-resolution microscope system that combines “STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy” technology (licensed from Harvard University) and Nikon's ECLIPSE Ti research inverted microscope. The N-STORM super-resolution microscope provides dramatically enhanced resolution that is 10 times that of conventional optical microscopes.

Nikon BioStation IM-Q

The Nikon BioStation IM-Q is a compact cell incubator and monitoring system offering two types of microscope cameras and perfusion capabilities. The BioStation IM-Q time-lapse imaging system facilitates a broad array of short-term and long-term time-lapse experiments, including studies of cell growth, morphology, and protein expression, by providing consistent environmental control of temperature, humidity and gas concentration in combination with phase and fluorescence imaging of exceptional quality.

ECLIPSE 80i for 3D Deconvolution

The ECLIPSE 80i upright research-level microscope has been replaced by Nikon’s ECLIPSE Ni-U upright research microscope, developed to address the need for a microscope that is highly versatile, combining system expandability and superior optical performance in an easy-to-use system.

The Ni-U can be configured in a multitude of ways depending on the requirements of the user. Its adaptability makes it suitable for many applications, from clinical examination to research, and features motorized accessories that include nosepiece, fluorescence attachment, and shutter.


Combining TIRF and epifluorescence set-up for (live) imaging with a great variety of wavelengths, the Nikon TIRF system is an inverted and fully automated ECLIPSE Ti-E microscope with both widefield fluorescence and brightfield illumination and with objective TIRF illumination. + Existing copy for Ti-LAPP TIRF system.


Combining TIRF and epifluorescence set-up for (live) imaging with a great variety of wavelengths, the Nikon TIRF system is an inverted and fully automated Eclipse Ti-E microscope with both widefield fluorescence and brightfield illumination and with objective TIRF illumination.

The ECLIPSE Ti combines with a ROPER laser bench Laser 491nm 1W and 561 nm 100 mW to provide a PALM (photo-activated localization microscopy) and dSTORM (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, licensed from Harvard University) super-resolution system which overcomes the diffraction limit of light and allows investigators to study subcellular structures in greater detail than is possible with a confocal microscope.