Nikon Imaging Center
UC San Diego
- To enhance basic research by providing access to state-of-the-art microscopy and imaging equipment
- To provide expert technical consultation and support in every step of the imaging process from sample preparation to data analysis and publication
- To provide training on light microscopy techniques and sample preparation for the UC San Diego community
- To bring innovative light microscopy and imaging techniques to UC San Diego researchers
- To enhance connections between UC San Diego and our local biotech and pharma partners
- To serve as a learning and demonstration center for our corporate partners and contributors

NIC Director
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Nikon Imaging CenterLeichtag 483
9500 Gilman Drive; Mail code 0694
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0694
Systems Available

AX R with NSPARC Confocal-Based Super-Resolution System
The AX R is a recently developed iteration of Nikon’s flagship confocal system, and is capable of 2k resonant scanning in an expanded 25 mm FOV for fast, gentle imaging of sensitive samples. In addition, this system features Nikon’s new NSPARC Image Scanning detector, capable of deep, super-resolution imaging using a highly sensitive APD detector array.
- 8K galvo / 2K resonant imaging modes
- 4 excitation lines (405, 488, 561, 640 nm)
- NSPARC Detector
- Tunable spectral detection
- 600 μm high-speed piezo Z stage
- Stage top incubator
NIS-Elements software

AX R Point Scanning Confocal System
This system is equipped with the highly flexible AX R confocal system which allows for fast, gentle high-resolution imaging of large tissue samples.
- 8K galvo / 2K resonant imaging modes
- 4 excitation lines (405, 488, 561, 640 nm)
- Tunable spectral detection
- 600 μm high-speed piezo Z stage
- Stage top incubator
NIS-Elements software

AX R Point Scanning Confocal System
This system is equipped with the highly flexible AX R confocal system which allows for fast, gentle high-resolution imaging of large tissue samples.
- 8K galvo / 2K resonant imaging modes
- 4 excitation lines (405, 488, 561, 640 nm)
- Tunable spectral detection
- Stagetop incubator
NIS-Elements software

Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk System with TIRF
Utilizing optical reassignment on a spinning disk system, the SoRa achieves sub-diffraction limited optical resolution while preserving sample health. This system is equipped with dual Hamamatsu Fusion sCMOS cameras, which enables fast, simultaneous two-channel imaging.
- Dual Prime 95B sCMOS Cameras
- 6 excitation lines (405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640 nm)
- FRAP with 405 nm laser
- 300 μm high-speed piezo Z stage
- Stage top incubator
NIS-Elements software
- TIRF with Andor EMCCD

Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk System
Utilizing optical reassignment on a spinning disk system, the SoRa achieves sub-diffraction limited optical resolution while preserving sample health. This system is equipped with dual Hamamatsu Fusion sCMOS cameras, which enables fast, simultaneous two-channel imaging.
- Dual Prime 95B sCMOS Cameras
- 6 excitation lines (405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640 nm)
- FRAP with 405 nm laser
- 300 μm high-speed piezo Z stage
- Stage top incubator
NIS-Elements software
- TIRF with Andor EMCCD

Large FOV Widefield System
Cyril is a widefield system for large field of view (25mm) acquisition with both monochrome and color CMOS cameras.
Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
Large format DS-Qi2 monochrome CMOS camera
Large format DS-Ri2 color CMOS camera
- Okolab stage-top incubation system
NIS-Elements software
- Lumencor SPECTRA X light engine
- Nikon Instruments NI-BB Triggered Device Hub

High Content Analysis (HCA) System
Krieger is a high content screening system featuring X-Light V2 large field of view spinning disk confocal scanner and robotic plate loader.
Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Prior plate-loading robot
- Crest X-Light V2 L-FOV spinning disk confocal system
- Lumencor CELESTA light engine
- Photometrics Iris 15 CMOS camera
- TI2-N-WID Water Immersion Dispenser
NIS-Elements software

N-STORM/TIRF/CSU-X1 Super-Resolution & Spinning Disk Confocal System
Sterling is a multimodal system featuring super-resolution STORM, TIRF, spinning disk confocal, and a DMD module for stimulation experiments.
Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk confocal
N-STORM super-resolution single molecule localization microscopy system
- Lumencor SOLA light engine
- Agilent MLC400B 4-line laser unit (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 647nm)
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- Andor iXon 897 EMCCD camera
- Mightex Polygon400 DMD for patterned illumination (Lumencor AURA II light engine)
- Mad City Labs Nano-Z series Z-axis piezo stage
- Tokai Hit stage-top incubation system
- Tokai Hit PureBox enclosure
NIS-Elements software