
Operating an Imaging Core Facility During a Pandemic


  • Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Ph.D.

    Head of the Centre for Cellular Imaging, Core Facility, Shalgrenska Academy, Univ. Gothenburg

  • Sebastian Munck, Ph.D.

    Head of the VIB BioImaging Core, VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, KU Leuven

  • Josh Rappoport, Ph.D.

    Executive Director of Research Infrastructure, Boston College

  • Jennifer Waters, Ph.D.

    Director of Nikon Imaging Center at Harvard Medical School and Chan Zuckerberg Imaging Scientist

Operating a microscopy core facility during the current COVID-19 pandemic poses unique challenges. In this panel discussion, speakers from the US and Europe will present their varying perspectives and experiences to shed light on how core facilities and labs around the world are addressing social distancing and safety concerns for their users as institutions re-open and ramp-up research activities.

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