
The information on these pages applies to the Nikon BioImaging Lab in Leiden, The Netherlands. There are also laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and Shonan, Japan. For more information, please contact the facility nearest to your location.

Leave your bioimaging needs in the hands of the experts

Images tell powerful stories that can lead to important insights. At the Nikon BioImaging Lab (NBIL), located in Leiden Bioscience Park (the Netherlands), we are passionate about helping you get those insights by providing solutions to your microscope-based imaging needs. We offer services for both imaging and analysis to organizations in biotech, pharma, and larger research communities that trust us with their projects.

Our center, the first in Europe, hosts Nikon’s unique cutting-edge microscopy instrumentation and software. NBIL’s full-service capabilities also include access to expert biologists and microscopists, who are available to provide quality cell and tissue culture, data acquisition, analysis, and reporting.

For all your pre-clinical research, trust the bioimaging experts!

Assay Development

The Nikon BioImaging Lab (NBIL) is equipped with all necessary accessories and equipment to successfully culture and manipulate your cells or tissues. Once the team grows your cells of interest, we can develop your assay and perform it in-house. NBIL has access to more complex culture models provided by leading biotech organizations and tissue modeling companies.

Both fixed and live cells can be transported to the NBIL. For precious live-cell transport, we make use of CellBox GmbH’s services., ensuring that we can safely transport any number of plates when the need arises.

Together with the Nikon BioImaging Lab, you can now validate your hypotheses, select the optimal performer from a compound library and test for off-target toxicities at higher fidelity and precision than you thought possible.

Please contact us for service costs and details.

Image Acquisition

Bring your research into focus

At the Nikon BioImaging Lab, we have access to a wide variety of imaging setups and experts making us comfortable to take on any imaging challenge.

Leverage our expertise and speed up your research.

3D Imaging
Visualizing 3D models in high definition
At NBIL we have state-of-the-art confocal microscopes along with the latest software which can perform automated acquisition in combination with on-the-fly analysis, which includes the use of AI. For complicated analysis questions, our in-house experts can find the answer to any research question.

High content Imaging
Circumventing the bottlenecks

The Nikon BioImaging Lab (NBIL) has designed automated protocols that in conjunction with our cutting-edge imaging systems, the AX R and LIPSI, to perform high content imaging at increased speed and capacity by avoiding unnecessary data acquisition.

Organ-on-a-chip/Microphysiological Systems
Taking the complexity out of MPS
The Nikon BioImaging Lab (NBIL) provides MPS imaging and analysis services that capture and analyze MPS images for research and development. NBIL can select the best imaging modalities for endpoint analysis, full chip imaging in high resolution, and live imaging of distinct parts of the MPS.

Please contact us for service costs and details.

Image Analysis

The Nikon BioImaging Lab can perform all qualitative and quantitative analyses on images and report complete results. This service applies to both images acquired at the Nikon BioImaging Lab and elsewhere using other microscope systems. We can even apply the service remotely, expanding its availability across Europe. It is even possible to work with our headquarters in Tokyo and Amsterdam to design custom analysis solutions for demanding applications, including solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning.

Within the Nikon BioImaging lab, we make full use of the Nikon AI analysis suite allowing us to recover contrast, vastly improve signal-to-noise, or to segment samples previously thought of as difficult or nearly impossible. These approaches can now be automated thanks to and our expert image analysts.

At NBIL, we make use of advanced Nikon Software packages that allow us to setup acquisition protocols at speed and combine this with on-the-fly analysis. We can therefore easily provide and analyze complex samples in high-content applications.

Contact us now for more information.


You can rely on the Nikon BioImaging Lab to provide accurate reporting to meet your needs. In addition, all services provided are Quality Controlled and ensures that the reporting provided adheres to a defined set of quality criteria as you require.

Contact us now for more details.