
Nanoscale molecular imaging in complex tissues


  • Dr. Istvan Katona

    Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences Naus Family Chair in Addiction Sciences Indiana University

Moderated by:

  • Sarah Hiddleston

    Science Journalist Nature Research Custom Media

Pharmacological measurements in tissue preparations have traditionally been performed using autoradiography. While this approach has the quantitative power, the limited spatial resolution renders cell- or subcellular compartment-specific measurements difficult. Anatomical measurements in tissue preparation have usually been carried out by antibody-based immunostaining. However, there are numerous protein targets for which no specific antibody is available, and immunostaining has often limited quantitative power compared to autoradiography.

This webcast will introduce an approach that combines the strengths of autoradiography and immunostaining. Using fluorophore-tagged receptor ligands and enzyme inhibitors together with STORM super-resolution imaging, one can visualize even individual drug molecules in cells and in complex tissue preparations. Examples for different protein families and different pharmacological measurements will demonstrate the broad applicability of this approach, including a workflow for the visualization and quantification of the nanoscale binding sites of an FDA-approved medicine within a complex brain circuit and in a cell-type- and compartment-specific manner.


  • How super-resolution imaging can help to measure cell-specific molecular changes associated with physiological and pathophysiological processes
  • How combined imaging modalities can enable correlated measurement of physiological, anatomical, and pharmacological parameters in complex tissues and organs
  • Specific strengths and limitations of antibody- and small molecule-based super-resolution imaging

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