


Advanced Microscopy in Neuroscience

Deepak P. Srivastava PhD, ScD - Professor at King's College London
Haruki Takeuchi PhD - Professor at the University of Tokyo

Nikon Asia Pacific Life Science Webinar

Dr. John Lock - Head of the Cancer Systems Microscopy lab, The University of New South Wales
Clement Khaw, Ph.D. - Application Specialist, Nikon Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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Nikon BioImaging Lab Grand Opening Live Stream

Catherine Feuillet, Ph.D. - Chief Scientific Officer at Inari Agriculture
W. Gregory Sawyer, Ph.D. - Chief BioEngineering Officer and Chair of the Department of BioEngineering at the Moffitt Cancer Center
Elizabeth Carr - Special Guest

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Giovanni E. Mann - Professor, King's College London, United Kingdom
Krista Rantanen - Director of Scientific Applications, Baker Ruskinn

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AX共聚焦显微镜系统 – 优化检测,提升性能

Adam White, Ph.D. - Advanced Microscopy Product Manager, Nikon Instruments Inc.

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Dr. Eric Griffis - Director, Nikon Imaging Center at UC San Diego
Dr. Amit R. Majithia - Assistant Professor of Endocrinology, UC San Diego School of Medicine

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Jeffery B. Bylund, Ph.D. - Applications Manager, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, Nikon Instruments Inc.
Meredith Calvert, Ph.D. - Principal Scientist/Lab Leader—Microscopy & Image Analysis, Denali Therapeutics
Chee Yeun Chung, Ph.D. - Scientific Co-founder and Senior Director, Yumanity Therapeutics

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Jeff Bylund, Ph.D. - Applications Manager, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, Nikon Instruments Inc.
Niranj Chandrasekaran, Ph.D. - Senior Postdoctoral Associate, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University

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Dr. Laurence Pelletier - Professor, University of Toronto & Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (Sinai Health)
Dr. Kenneth Prehoda - Professor, University of Oregon
Dan Collins - Applications Specialist, Yokogawa Life Innovations

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David Akbar - Imaging Engineer at the ICMQuant imaging core facility in the Brain Institute (ICM) in Paris, France
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager, Imaging Software & Screening, Nikon Europe BV

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Dr. Amaia Arranz - Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience and Ikerbasque, Spain
Mrs. Nikky Corthout - Light Microscopy and Imaging Network LiMoNe - Dr. Sebastian Munck. VIB BioImaging Core Leuven - Center for Brain and Disease Research
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager, Imaging Software & Screening, Nikon Europe BV

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Dr. Anne-Sophie Mace - Image Analysis Expert at the Cell and Tissue Imaging Facility at Curie Institute in Paris, France
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager, Imaging Software & Screening, Nikon Europe BV

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Prof. Clemens Kaminski - Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, Philippa Fawcett Drive, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Lies De Groef - Neural Circuit Development and Regeneration Research Group, Division of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology, Department of Biology, Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, in Leuven, Belgium.
Dr. Adam Glaser - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, United States of America
Dr. Sebastian Munck (Webinar Host) - VIB BioImaging Core, VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, KU Leuven, Department of Neurosciences in Leuven, Belgium.

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Dr. Marko Popovic - Technical director Microscopy and Cytometry Core Facility, Amsterdam UMC location VUmc
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager, Imaging Software & Screening, Nikon Europe BV

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Dr. Carlo Antonio Beretta - Imaging Specialist, Dept. Anatomy and Cell Biology & Institute for Pharmacology, Heidelberg University
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager, Imaging Software & Screening, Nikon Europe BV

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Pontus Nordenfelt - Associate Professor at the Infection Medicine (BMC) at Lund University in Lund, Sweden
Dr. Simone Lepper - European Product Manager Imaging Software & High-Content Screening microscopy

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Christophe Leterrier - Group Leader NeuroCyto lab, INP CNRS-Aix-Marseille University Marseille, France

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James Wells - Chief Scientific Officer, Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine (CuSTOM); Cincinnati Research Foundation Endowed Professor, Division of Developmental Biology; Director for Basic Research, Division of Endocrinology; Allen Foundation Distinguished Investigator
Alysson R. Muotri - Director of the Stem Cell Program; Institute for Genomic Medicine; Dept. of Pediatrics & Cellular Molecular Medicine UCSD School of Medicine UC San Diego
Sally Temple - Scientific Director of the Neural Stem Cell Institute Rensselaer, NY

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Luca Colnaghi, PhD - Head of Biological Regulation Unit, Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research


Jan Huisken博士 - 美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊莫格里奇研究院医学工程处主任

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Uri Manor, Ph.D. - Director, Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Core, Salk Institute, USA
Valentina Emiliani, Ph.D. - CNRS Research Director, Wavefront-engineering Microscopy Group, Photonics Department, Institut de la Vision, Inserm, France
Xiaowei Zhuang, Ph.D. - Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator; David B. Arnold Jr. Professor of Science; Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Rituparna Chakrabarti, Ph.D. - Scientific Editor, iScience

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Florian Jug博士 - 德国德累斯顿马普分子细胞生物学与遗传学研究所,德累斯顿系统生物学中心&意大利米兰人类技术基金会研究组组长
Martin Weigert博士 - 瑞士洛桑理工学院研究组组长
Christophe Zimmer博士 - 法国巴黎巴斯德研究所主任

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Steeve Boulant博士 - 海德堡大学病毒学传染病学系组长
Nuria Montserrat博士 - 加泰罗尼亚生物工程研究所器官再生多能性ICREA研究教授

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Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez博士 - 哥德堡大学萨尔格伦斯卡学院核心实验室细胞成像中心主任
Sebastian Munck博士 - 比利时鲁汶大学VIB大脑和疾病研究中心VIB生物成像中心主任
Josh Rappoport博士 - 波士顿学院研究设施常务董事
Jennifer Waters博士 - 哈佛医学院尼康影像中心主任兼Chan Zuckerberg成像科学家

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Jeff Bylund博士 - 尼康仪器公司(Nikon Instruments, Inc.)干细胞与再生医学应用经理

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Jeff Bylund博士 - 尼康仪器公司(Nikon Instruments, Inc.)干细胞与再生医学应用经理

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