Centro de Excelência
UT Austin
The Center for Biomedical Research Support Microscopy and Imaging Center is dedicated to supporting the research community at UT Austin and beyond by providing access to state-of-the-art imaging instrumentation, as well as technical assistance and education, to researchers across all disciplines.
Microscopy & Imaging Facility Director
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The University of Texas at AustinMBB 1.426
2500 Speedway A4800 Avenue
Austin TX 78712
Systems Available
A1R MP Resonant Scanning Multiphoton System
This open architecture system based on the Ni upright microscope features the A1R MP resonant scanning multiphoton system as well as visible light detection for a variety of challenging samples.
- Open architecture system based on the Ni upright microscope for accomodating large equipment and samples
- A1R MP resonant scanning multiphoton system
- LUN-V 6-line laser unit (405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 640nm)
- Coherent Chameleon Discovery dual beam laser unit (680-1300nm)
- Episcopic GaAsP non-descanned detectors (NDDs)
- DUV-B 2-channel spectral GaAsP detector
- NIS-Elements software
This A1R resonant scanning confocal system is configured on a Ti2-E inverted microscope and features stage-top incubation for live cell imaging.
- Microscópio invertido Ti2-E com sistema Perfect Focus 4 (SPF4)
- LUN-V 6-line laser unit (405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 640nm)
- DU4G GaAsP 4-channel confocal detector
- Tokai Hit stage-top incubation system
- NIS-Elements software
Sistema de super-resolução N-STORM/TIRF
The N-STORM provides super-resolution single molecule localization imaging on the Ti-E inverted microscope, and also features emission splitting optics for fast live-cell and multicolor TIRF imaging.
- Microscópio invertido Ti2-E com sistema Perfect Focus 4 (SPF4)
- N-STORM super-resolution single molecule localization microscopy system
- LUN-V high power 4-line laser unit (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 647nm)
- Cairn Research TwinCam two-camera emission splitter for fast two-color TIRF imaging
- Andor iXon 897 EMCCD camera
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 sCMOS camera
- Platina piezo de eixo Z da série Nano-Z, da Mad City Labs
- Tokai Hit stage-top incubation system
- NIS-Elements software
CSU-W1 Spinning Disk Confocal System
The CSU-W1 provides fast spinning disk confocal performance with large fields of view and deep in samples. Emission splitting optics and incubation unlocks a number of live cell imaging applications.
- Microscópio invertido Ti2-E com sistema Perfect Focus 4 (SPF4)
- Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal
- Toptica Photonics iChrome MLE 4-line laser unit (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm)
- 2x Andor iXon 888 EMCCD camera
- Large format DS-Qi2 monochrome CMOS camera
- Platina piezo de eixo Z da série Nano-Z, da Mad City Labs
- Tokai Hit stage-top incubation system
- NIS-Elements software
Large FOV High Content Screening System
This large field of view and high content screening system is configured on a Ti2-E inverted microscope.
- Microscópio invertido Ti2-E com sistema Perfect Focus 4 (SPF4)
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- Large format DS-Ri2 color CMOS camera
- Lumencor SPECTRA X light engine
- Lumencor PEKA light engine
- Platina piezo de eixo Z da série Nano-Z, da Mad City Labs
- Sistema de incubação de topo de platina Okolab
- NIS-Elements software
This Ni-E upright microscope system features both monochome sCMOS and color CCD cameras, supporting a variety of observation modes.
- Ni-E upright microscope
- Andor Zyla 4.2 sCMOS camera
- DS-Fi3 color CCD camera
- Lumencor SOLA light engine
- NIS-Elements software
Stereomicroscope System
The SMZ25 stereo microscope features world-leading 25:1 zoom ratio and this system additionally features a color CMOS camera and NIS-Elements software for recording observations.
- SMZ25 motorized stereo microscope
- P-DSL32 LED diascopic stand with oblique coherent contrast (OCC)
- Large format DS-Ri2 color CMOS camera
- Lumencor SOLA light engine
- NIS-Elements software
Inverted Widefield Microscope System
This Ts2R-FL is a workhorse inverted microscope for a variety of routine fluorescence imaging applications.
- Ts2R-FL inverted fluorescence microscope
- Lumencor SPECTRA X light engine
- Photometrics CoolSNAP DYNO CCD Camera
- NIS-Elements software