
Research Grant Brings Neurobiologist To Woods Hole Laboratory

mai. 8, 2000

Nikon Inc., and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, have named a scholar in the field of neurobiology as the recipient of the prestigious Year 2000 Nikon Inc./MBL Research Fellowship. Dr. Peter Saggau, of the Division of…

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Nikon Eclipse E200 Microscope Offers Brightest, Easiest, Most Versatile Imaging to Help Build Veterinary Practices

mai. 8, 2000

With new developments in testing, on-premises labs can be a great practice-building investment for today's veterinarian. Now, Nikon has introduced the Eclipse E200 -- an easy to use, affordable, ultra-versatile new microscope that can help build veterinary practices. Because of…

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Nikon Introduces Reduced-Halo Phase Contrast Technique - Makes Unstained Living Cellular Structures Clearly Visible

mai. 8, 2000

Nikon now offers a new series of objectives designed to markedly reduce the halos that occur in phase objects that are observed using conventional phase contrast microscopy. Designed for use with Nikon's recently introduced TS 100 inverted microscopes, the new…

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