Centro di eccellenza
Nikon’s Center of Excellence for experimental super-resolution at ICFO is a unique partnership between ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences and Nikon. Focusing on STORM super-resolution technology, the center hosts a groundbreaking Nikon motorized inverted microscope ECLIPSE Ti-E with STORM (N-STORM) to push ICFO’s ongoing cutting-edge research in this area. This fruitful partnership is being facilitated by Dr. Pablo Loza-Álvarez, Head of ICFO’s Super-resolution Light microscopy and Nanoscopy (SLN) Lab.
Area of Expertise
ICFO is a key European institute for photonic and light science, conducting cutting-edge, wide-ranging research – from telecommunications and information technologies to biotechnology, and including remote sensing, quantum information and industrial photonics. Research programs at ICFO target the forefront of science and technology based on light, aiming at providing new understanding, new solutions and new tools to tackle major challenges faced by industrial progress and by society at large. Healthcare research is targeted by an increasing number of unique techniques for advanced imaging and probing, early diagnosis and new therapies, including revolutionary nano-medicine concepts and minimally invasive tools.
The center’s interest in research into the role of microscopy in biomedical research is world-renowned. ICFO’s SLN collaborates with wide range of multidisciplinary users from hospitals, healthcare centers, biomedical research centers, universities and companies in an exchange of knowledge and experience that aims to extend the boundaries of knowledge.

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Knowledge & Technology TransferMediterranean Technology Park
Av. del Canal Olímpic s/n
08860 Castelldefels
Systems Available

N-STORM is a super-resolution microscope system that combines “STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy” technology (licensed from Harvard University) and Nikon's Eclipse Ti research inverted microscope. The N-STORM super-resolution microscope provides dramatically enhanced resolution that is 10 times that of conventional optical microscopes.

Ti-E PFS Inverted Microscope System
The Eclipse Ti-E with Perfect Focus is Nikon's market leading inverted microscope system offering improved system speed, increased flexibility and efficient multi-mode microscopy as part of a fully-integrated microscope system that is ideal for high-end research and live cell imaging. Perfect Focus is Nikon's exclusive focus correction system that combats axial focus fluctuations in real time during long-term imaging investigations.

The Nikon Ti-LAPP system provides modular illuminators for total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), photoactivation/conversion, photobleaching and epi-fluorescence. Newly developed motorized laser TIRF illumination unit allows laser incident angle adjustment, shutter control and switching to widefield fluorescence excitation with the control pad or NIS-Elements software.
The CFI Apochromat TIRF Series objectives is specifically designed for TIRF and features the highest N.A. of all Nikon objectives.