
The passions behind the development of the ECLIPSE Ji, a high-performance digital inverted microscope that anyone can use easily.

The Nikon ECLIPSE Ji is a digital inverted microscope that is equipped with proprietary AI to streamline workflows, such as those for handling cell observation, analysis, data acquisition, and reporting. It can be easily operated by anyone by automating cumbersome tasks, is a benchtop model that does not require a darkroom, and features various innovative functions, while offering expandability to meet a wide range of needs. This is a microscope that provides new value to users. Here, the team members in charge of hardware design, product design, and software development who were involved in this project share their insights about the development process.


Discussing the development of the ECLIPSE Ji, the next-generation digital inverted microscope

Digital transformation is underway in many areas, the generation of digital natives has become the new powerhouse of society, and time-sensitive, performance-driven work styles are prevalent. What kind of microscope does this paradigm shift require? The ECLIPSE Ji is Nikon's answer. Three members of the team involved in the development of the ECLIPSE Ji tell us about the project.


带有NSPARC的共聚焦超分辨率显微镜AX/AX R。其研发始于意大利理工学院。



超越您想象的图像。搭载NSPARC的共聚焦超分辨率显微镜AX/AX R。

通过在外部简单安装NSPARC,AX/AX R共聚焦显微镜系统能够以前所未有的高分辨率进行超高速扫描,可用于观察和获取图像;即使是活细胞中最细微的变化也能显示出来,这是传统的激光共聚焦显微镜无法检测到的。NSPARC的开发人员谈到了他们瞄准更为高远目标的雄心勃勃的挑战。



数字技术有力地支持了现代社会的基础。如今,数字成像在生命科学领域不可或缺。新研发的显微镜物镜“CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D”系列可以理想地满足当前的要求。在这里,该镜头的规划和设计负责人介绍了产品的研发,旨在支持生命科学领域从检查到研究和开发的广大用户。


具有划时代意义的高端AX/AX R显微镜,可满足所有研究人员的需求

AX/AX R共聚焦显微镜系统的设计允许任何人基于自身的用途自由定制。出于了解更多信息的目的,我们采访了负责产品规划和设计的人员,探究他们追求软件操作性以及硬件性能提升背后的故事。



生物显微镜“ECLIPSE Si”为在医疗、研究机构工作的病理医师、检验医师、检验技师、以及努力成为这类人群的人们提供支持,使他们可以“舒适地操作”和“集中精力进行检验”。在关乎我们健康的产业现场,就这款以最大限度提高性能为目的而开发的产品,让我们来听听企划、外观、设计者们的心声,他们是如何把为用户着想的理念具现化的。


How the A1 HD25/A1R HD25 achieved an industry-leading 25mm field of view

The A1 HD25/A1R HD25 confocal microscope has achieved the industry’s largest field of view, dramatically improving data throughput for confocal imaging. In this Q&A, we provide an inside look into the development and planning process behind this groundbreaking confocal.
