Nikon Asia Pacific Life Science Webinar
15 de out. de 2024
/ 07:00
/ 08:00
Dr. John Lock
Head of the Cancer Systems Microscopy lab, The University of New South Wales
Clement Khaw, Ph.D.
Application Specialist, Nikon Singapore Pte. Ltd.
We are honored to welcome Dr. John Lock from The University of New South Wales, renowned for his research in cancer studies, who will be presenting his latest findings. Dr. John Lock's presentation, titled "Towards Precision Medicine with Systems Microscopy: Highly Multiplexed Fluorescence to Understand Cellular Heterogeneity from Cancer Cell Models to Liquid Biopsy Samples," promises to be highly insightful.
In the latter part of the webinar, Dr. Clement Khaw, the application specialist from Nikon Singapore Pte. Ltd. will introduce Nikon's latest confocal microscopy technology.
Presented by: