The mysterious and resilient creature in the moss around us, the tardigrade - Let's catch it! Let's observe it! -
There is an animal that is said to be the strongest living thing, but is only about 0.1 to 1 mm in length. They are called tardigrades because they move by walking slowly on four pairs of eight legs, but are also affectionately referred to as water bears. Their famous durability arises from their ability to enter a highly resilient state called anhydrobiosis. Anhydrobiosis occurs when the surrounding environment becomes dry, the water content in the body is reduced to a few percent, non-vital activities cease, and the body enters a non-metabolic state. In anhydrobiosis, the tardigrade can withstand temperatures up to 100℃ and is resistant to radiation and high pressure. What's more, by supplying water, biological activities can resume within a few minutes. Tardigrades are not only interesting from an ecological perspective, but they are also cute and fun to observe in their active state. In this application note, we will present the appearance of tardigrades revealed through a microscope.
尼康NIS-Elements Denoise.ai软件:利用深度学习对共聚焦数据进行去噪
噪声是共聚焦图像的基本组成部分,这是对连续采样的光子进行离散数字采样的结果。噪声对图像质量的贡献(信噪比)随着信号平方根函数的减小而增加。通过使用训练有素的神经网络,我们使用人工智能从共焦图像数据中去除了散粒噪声分量,从而提高了图像质量,并能够以更快的速度获取调光器样本。 NIS-Elements软件的Denoise.ai将该训练有素的网络部署到实时或采集后处理中。
现在,活细胞成像实验需要比以前更高的速度和更多的数据采集量。尼康仪器拥有强大的工具,可通过硬件之间的直接信号传导,在显微镜中实现成像设备的硬件触发。这样可以最大限度地减少延迟,使设备同步,并减少样品照射时间。本应用手册介绍了尼康 NIS-Elements 如何实现硬件触发的工作流程,并详细介绍了其相比常规时间序列采集方式的优势。