University of Basel - Department of Biomedicine (DBM)
The DBM Center of Excellence for Translational Research is the result of a long-lasting partnership between Nikon and the Department of Biomedicine (DBM). The two directors, Mike Abanto and Pascal Lorentz, developed the unit from scratch into an excellent microscopy core facility within the last 15 years. Together with their team of experts, they support researchers in the fields of oncology, immunology, neurobiology, stem cells, and regenerative medicine.
The Department of Biomedicine (DBM) is part of the medical faculty of the University of Basel and unites biomedical research. The DBM is a joint venture of the University of Basel, the University Hospital Basel, and the University Children’s Hospital beider Basel. At the DBM, clinicians and researchers work side-by-side creating excellent bench-to-bedside research opportunities that contribute to its translational reputation internationally.
The DBM Nikon Center of Excellence not only offers a variety of cutting-edge microscopes and has excellent staff, but they are also leaders in automation using Nikon’s programming interface, called JOBS.
With their equipment, which ranges from 2-Photon, super-resolution, confocal to wide-field microscopy, and their skills, the facility provides optimal conditions to foster competitive research.
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Systems Available
AX R with NSPARC Confocal
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- CoolLED pE-300
- AX R with NSPARC resonant scanning confocal microscope system
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
Crest X-Light V3 Confocal System
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- LIS incubation chamber (temperature controlled)
- CoolLED pE-300
- Celestra (405 nm, 446 nm, 477 nm, 520 nm, 546 nm, 638 nm, 749 nm)
- Crest X-Light V3 L-FOV spinning disk confocal system
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- Photometrics Kinetix sCMOS camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research
Crest X-Light V3 DeepSIM System
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- CoolLED pE-300
- Celestra (405 nm, 445 nm, 477 nm, 510 nm, 546 nm, 640 nm, 749 nm)
- Crest X-Light V3 DeepSIM L-FOV spinning disk confocal system
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- Photometrics Kinetix sCMOS camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
Crest Cicero Confocal System
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
Motorized stage with encoders
D-LEDI fluorescence LED
Celestra (405 nm, 446 nm, 477 nm, 520 nm, 546 nm, 638 nm, 749 nm)
Crest Cicero spinning disk confocal system
Photometrics Kinetix sCMOS camera
NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
A1R Confocal System
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- Piezo stage
- CoolLed pE-300-W
- A1R resonant scanning confocal system
- TIRF Module (manual) for laser TIRF illumination on the Ti-LAPP system
- N-STORM super-resolution single molecule localization microscopy system
- Andor iXON Ultra EMCCD monochrome camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
CSU-W1 Spinning Disk Confocal System
- ECLIPSE Ti-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- Ludl motorized scanning stage with z-piezo
- LIS incubation chamber (temperature controlled)
- OkoLab enclosure incubation system
- CoolLed pE-300-W
- Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal
- ILas-2 TIRF dual laser illuminator for TIRF microscopy
- 2D-VisiFRAP realtime scanner
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V2 sCMOS camera
- Hamamatsu EM CCD 2014 camera
- VisiView Premier
CSU-W1 Spinning Disk Confocal System with Plate Loader
- ECLIPSE Ti-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- Prior motorized scanning stage
- OkoLab enclosure incubation system
- Prior plate-loading robot
- CoolLED pE-300
- Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- Hamamatsu ImagEM EMCCD camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
A1 2-Photon Confocal System
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- LIS incubation chamber (temperature controlled)
- Additional motorized stage (Luis/Neumann) for periscope applications
- 2-photon class IV laser
- A1 confocal and spectral detector
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
ECLIPSE Ti-E Inverted Microscope
- ECLIPSE Ti-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- Piezo stage
- DS-Qi2 monochrome microscope camera
- DS-Fi3 color CCD camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
ECLIPSE Ti2 Inverted Microscope (left-handed)
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- DS-Ri2 color microscope camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
ECLIPSE Ti2 Inverted Microscope (right-handed)
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- DS-Ri2 color microscope camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
ECLIPSE Ti2 2.3.PO Inverted Microscope
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E inverted microscope with Perfect Focus System 4 (PFS4)
- Piezo stage
- LIS incubation chamber (temperature controlled)
- Photometrics Prime95B sCMOS camera
- NIS-Elements Advanced Research with JOBS
ECLIPSE E600 Upright Microscope
- Nikon DXM-1200F digital camera
- Nikon ACT-1 software
ECLIPSE Ts2 Inverted Microscope
- ECLIPSE TS2 inverted routine microscope
- DS-Fi3 color CCD camera
- NIS-Elements L camera controller
SMZ25 Stereo Microscope
- SMZ25 motorized stereo microscope
- Flat top scanning table
- DS-Ri2 color microscope camera
- NIS-Elements Basic Research